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Investment Management
What returns will the next 10 years offer?
Schroders considers the 10-year return trajectory of a range of asset classes.
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Investment Management
Fast-fashion: How investment firms need to gain pace at creating sustainable fabrics
This video by Schroders, part of the #MyStory series, considers the topical issue of fast fashion through the concerns and actions of an individual.
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Investment Management
Smaller companies could prevail during economic recession
T. Rowe Price explains the key characteristics of smaller US companies which could allow them to triumph during this period of high inflation and rising interest rates.
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Risk Settlement and pension schemes: the behavioural process
An informative risk settlement guide from Aon, discussing the investment process and potential trip hazards for pension schemes adopting risk settlement products.
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Investment Management
Assessing the MiFID II updates?
JP Morgan Asset Management considers sustainable investing under the EU’s MiFID II regulation.
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Investment Management
Paraplanners believe they could add more value to firms
In this report by Embark Group, paraplanners express their views on barriers to adding value to firms, relationships with clients, and the future of paraplanning.
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Investment Management
A Goldilocks approach to equity investing
This white paper looks at why T. Rowe Price believes dividend growers are “just right” in most markets.
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What trends emerged in Aon’s 2021/22 Global Pension Risk Survey?
Aon reveals the results of its 2021/22 Global Pension Risk Survey.
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Investment Management
Global equity investing amid recovery uncertainties
In this Focus guide, Peter Rutter, Royal London Asset Management’s Head of Equities, tells us about the scenarios that his global equities team are considering and their implications for investment styles....
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Investment Management
Consultation on Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels
Have your say on the FCA's proposals to clamp down on greenwashing.
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Investment Management
What is the EU SFDR and how does it impact investors?
This guide from JP Morgan Asset Management examines the implications of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation for investors.
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Investment Management
Finding opportunities in evolving fixed income markets
A flexible, multi-sector approach is essential as markets shift.
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