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Investment Management
Why EM Debts should not be written off by investors
Following a year of inflation and stagnant growth, T. Rowe Price explores the position of Emerging Markets Debt and its potential despite ‘death’ rumours.
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Investment Management
Are Frontier Markets Still the Great Untapped Opportunity?
Johannes Loefstrand analyses the use of frontier markets and their place today.
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Financial Advice
Investing in training is key to innovation
The London Institute of Banking & Finance explains how investing in training is key to innovating in the highly competitive field of banking.
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Financial Advice
Shareholder resolutions: a new focus
Schroders explores the social and environmental resolution risks threatening to hinder sustainable business models.
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Investment Management
Carbon handprints: a new measure with the potential to shape climate-related investments
In this whitepaper, Alliance Bernstein explores the use of carbon handprints in climate-related equity investing, assessing how they have the potential to change the investment landscape.
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Investment Management
European value stocks offer more growth potential
Schroders analyses three value stock charts to explain why value investors should be choosing value stocks in Europe rather than the US.
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Investment Management
Top tips to grow your financial advice firm - a financial planner's view
A Q&A with Financial Planner Fulva Guist.
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Financial Advice
Advising on cash – what is in it for financial advisers
This piece from flagstone discusses why advisers should care about cash.
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Spare the bear: the inflation debate that should be happening
This piece from BlackRock looks at how many central bankers would rather let the economy die than risk inflation and how in actuality a debate is needed about the relative merits of those available.
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Investment Management
The future of sustainability
The investment industry is rolling out its response to the existential challenges our world faces, but key questions remain.
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Growth Strategic Asset Allocation Construction
This guide from SimplyBiz sets out the Strategic Asset Allocation construction methodology for the Growth SAA.
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The Consumer Duty
This guide from SimplyBiz offers an introduction to the Consumer Duty and will assist in evidencing its implementation.
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