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Investment Management
Global Asset Allocation Viewpoints: March insights
Discover the latest global market themes.
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Investment Management
Crisis, what crisis?
The banking crisis is a sign that tighter policy is biting and in Schroders view will tame inflation once the lagged effects have been allowed to come through.
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Investment Management
Shock to the system: Insurance's role in absorbing the impact of inflation
In a new macroeconomic environment marked by high inflation and slow economic growth, insurers have a special role to play in loss prevention and reduction.
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Investment Management
European banks: steadying the ship?
A week on from the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in the US, all eyes are on Europe with the merger of UBS following its takeover of Swiss rival Credit Suisse.
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Investment Management
Bank Failures and the Fed
The failure of Silicon Valley Bank raises questions for Fed policy and economic growth.
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Investment Management
Growing Demand, Tight Supply Support Commodities in 2023
Despite macroeconomic headwinds, commodities markets may offer attractive return potential this year in light of ongoing supply constraints and China’s reopening.
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Investment Management
Bonds Bring Resilience for Uncertain Economic Times
As the investment landscape continues to shift, active fixed income offers investors many ways to seize attractive opportunities in 2023 – while mitigating risks.
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Investment Management
The mild winter will delay Europe’s recession, not prevent it
Other risks will likely weigh on the Continent later this year.
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Investment Management
Rate rises: the ECB is not done yet
The European Central Bank has raised its policy rate, and more hikes are coming.
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Investment Management
Five important insights from 2022
The Fed is determined to fight inflation and yield is back, but socially oriented goals could impact economic policies in China.
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Investment Management
The regime change in markets demands fresh ideas
Alpha potential is still available for those who adapt to the new paradigm.
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Investment Management
This economic cycle is different
Unique circumstances mean there are no clear cut lessons from history, making this economic cycle particularly hard to categorise.
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