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Investment Management
Market certainty gives way to economic volatility
How do you identify competitively advantaged businesses in a changing macroeconomic backdrop.
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Investment Management
Are bonds Losing their appeal after rate cuts?
With interest rates at historic lows, should bonds still play a role in an income-focused portfolio, or is it time to look elsewhere?
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Investment Management
Will the Fed cut in September?
Inflation is trending in the right direction, with core goods and supercore services deflating slightly month over month- but shelter remains sticky. What does this mean? Professional investors only.
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Investment Management
The case for active investing in uncertain times
Economic uncertainty creates active investing opportunities – how asset managers can thrive in the new world of higher rates, greater dispersion and heightened volatility.
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Investment Management
Shadow banks are a challenge for the Fed
The rise of the shadow banking system is creating additional challenges for the Federal Reserve's monetary policy.
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Investment Management
The inflation roller coaster
Inflation's mixed signals in 2024 create uncertainty for investors, with services costs remaining high while goods prices cool.
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Investment Management
Has the US Federal Reserve waited too long to cut rates?
Is it time for the Federal Reserve to bring down interest rates? Debate intensifies over whether delaying rate cuts could risk tipping the economy into recession.
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Investment Management
How will the US election impact the financial sector?
The upcoming US election could significantly impact the financials sector, with potential regulatory changes having far reaching consequences.
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Investment Management
What's next for the global economy?
Economies are set for a period of broadening global growth but which areas will do well and which will disappoint?
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Investment Management
Could we see Wall Street leaders in the White House?
Many have discussed the idea of JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon running for US president.
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Investment Management
How prices have changed since Blair's landslide win
Though things may be more expensive today, the UK's economy is by no means growthier.
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Investment Management
How will Labour government impact wallets and portfolios?
Keir Starmer has chosen his cabinet, held his first press conference, and had his first conference call with US president Joe Biden. What's next?
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