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Investment Management
Former Feds share Policy Playbook
Former Federal Reserve leaders share their outlook for the global economy and policymaking.
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Investment Management
Is now the time for core fixed income?
In challenging markets PIMCO argues that global bonds can provide much needed diversification to multi-asset portfolios.
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Investment Management
What are the four foundations of EM bond investing?
Assessing a country’s debt sustainability profile should be the starting point.
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Investment Management
Are investors too pessimistic on U.K. homebuilders?
Current stock prices are simply too bearish for major U.K. homebuilders and investors stand to benefit from taking a contrarian position in the sector.
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Investment Management
Top 3 Macro Themes Investors Need to Know
What are the three macro-level themes that investors need to be aware of for 2023?
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Investment Management
Is it time to diversify your diversifiers?
PIMCO highlights that investors are “diversifying their diversifiers” and embracing new strategies that can improve the robustness of their portfolios.
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Investment Management
How do countries deal with death?
How are countries coping with the infrastructure challenges posed by death?
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Investment Management
LGIM’s engagement on ESG transparency: a closer look at Asia
Following the launch of a new engagement campaign on ESG transparency LGIM explores why it is important that they raise this topic directly with investee companies in Asia.
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Investment Management
Global Economic Outlook Spring 2023: Everything everywhere all at once
Negative confidence effects from the near-death experience in the US banking sector and the unresolved energy situation in Europe will shape the rest of the year.
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Investment Management
The Fed may keep one foot on the brake and one on the gas
The Fed may not stop raising rates even as it provides liquidity to the banking system.
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Investment Management
Banking sector turmoil muddies waters for Fed’s upcoming decision as ECB hikes again
Confirmation that US inflation was continuing at a high pace offered a dilemma for markets seeking to anticipate the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) next move.
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Investment Management
Fed Weighs Stubborn Inflation Against Banking System Stress
Slower credit growth may curtail broader U.S. economic growth, taking pressure off the Federal Reserve.
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