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Investment Management
Is an inflationary regime change imminent and how will this change investment positioning?
In this episode of Schroders' 'The Investment Download' podcast, Adam Farstrup, Head of Multi-Asset Strategy for Schroders Americas, discusses the potential of a regime change, and the recent Wall Street...
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Investment Management
How the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals provide a framework for sustainable investing
In this piece from Alliance Bernstein, we discover the role of the UN's SDGs in sustainable investments, and how investors can use these goals to update and structure their portfolios.
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Investment Management
Metals market critical to net-zero
BlackRock discusses how the metals market can support the creation of a more sustainable world.
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Investment Management
How fiscal policy can work for China’s economic regrowth after Covid-19
Alliance Bernstein discusses the Chinese economy, offering insight into policy maker flexibility and whether it can achieve ambitious growth rates.
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Investment Management
Investors must stay course during periods of underperformance
Schroders explains why investors must ride out difficult periods to deliver outperformance over the long-term.
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Investment Management
Tensions between the US and China worsen
Schroders discusses the implications of a decoupling between the US and China on national economies as well as the global economy.
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Investment Management
Can private markets adapt to cope with long-term trends?
BlackRock's whitepaper examines how private markets are suited to deal with inflation, megatrends, and the demand for net-zero.
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Investment Management
Is inflation set to peak for emerging markets?
Schroders assesses position of emerging market assets amid the current inflationary period.
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Investment Management
Could rising interest rates impede global economic growth?
Schroders examines the impact that rising interest rates and newly introduced fiscal policy could have on global growth.
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Investment Management
Can the past predict the future?
New research by Schroders Capital suggests that past performance could be more instructive for some parts of the private equity market than others.
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Investment Management
Yield spike causes BlackRock to alter strategic asset views
This whitepaper explains how the surge in bond yields has prompted BlackRock to change its long-term asset views.
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Investment Management
Could China become a source of global inflation?
Schroders discusses how China’s economic activity and response to the COVID-19 pandemic could lead to rising inflation across the globe.
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