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Investment Management
An unavoidable challenge, an unmistakable opportunity
In this Focus guide, Thomas Hohne-Sparborth discusses the need for fundamental economic change and the importance of assessing companies’ future carbon trajectories.
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Investment Management
The emerging markets mosaic
Polina Kurdyavko and Anthony Kettle are tasked with building a view of emerging markets that is wide and deep, using a mosaic of specialist insights across emerging market sub-assets and issuers.
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Investment Management
High Yield ESG
Justin Jewell and Andrzej Skiba's views on how BlueBay’s Global High Yield ESG Strategy is making the right kind of waves.
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Investment Management
How can we engage with climate change?
COP26 is setting out the scale of the challenge faced by the world and raising the pace of efforts to build a more sustainable future.
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Investment Management
A sustainable future demands real engagement
At the heart of Fidelity’s sustainable investing is our active engagement and collaborative approach with investee companies to drive positive change across their ESG practices, leveraging our global analyst...
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Investment Management
Fixed income bear markets and recessionary threat
Exploring the potential of an imminent recession, T.Rowe Price dives into the end of the recent fixed income bear market, and the recessionary implications.
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Investment Management
Bank of England focused on addressing inflation
Schroders explores the Bank of England's new-found focus on UK inflation, market patterns and the expected longevity of the current inflationary climate.
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Investment Management
Carbon offsetting: the investment opportunity dominating ESG
This piece from Alliance Bernstein provides an insight into the carbon offsetting process and its emerging role within ESG investment.
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Investment Management
Stagflation and equities: how the current climate needs to adapt
As global growth stumbles, while inflation takes off, Schroders delves into the reemergence of stagflation, and what it might mean for equity portfolios.
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Investment Management
Can small-cap equities succeed in a turbulent economy?
In this episode of Schroders' 'The Investor Download' podcast, Robert Kaynor, Head of US Small and Mid-Cap Equities for Schroders North America, discusses his view on the position of small-cap funds in...
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Investment Management
Why DC pensions must integrate ESG
BlackRock explores why defined contribution pensions should evolve and adapt more ESG factors to meet the developing needs of investors and members.
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Investment Management
The future for global equity investors
Schroders reflects on Q3 impact on global equity investors.
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