The ability to maximise the potential of data when managing portfolios is one of the key factors that separates successful asset managers from those that fall by the wayside.
Proposals to introduce member choice and stapling in workplace pensions in the UK have the potential to profoundly change the market for savers, employers, and providers.
This paper from VLK aims to broaden the thinking around the pensions endgame, acknowledging that buyout is the Gold Standard, but simultaneously raising the question “is it the be-all and end-all?”
Corporate governance reforms in Japan have been led by the larger capitalised stocks, with smaller companies previously under "no pressure to do a better job".
Efficiently managing data can have a substantial impact on a company’s bottom line and it can also help organisations make market-leading decisions driving top-line growth.
Even with sentiment towards renewable-energy companies at an all-time low, decarbonisation remains the biggest structural-growth opportunity in a generation.