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Financial Advice
There are real limits to passive investing for net zero
For all convenience that climate index funds afford, the indices they track come with a number of flaws.
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Financial Advice
Asia ex-Japan 2024 Outlook: compelling valuations and fundamentals
Where T. Rowe Price sees opportunities in Asia ex-Japan equities.
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Financial Advice
UK Economy No Longer Looks Like an Outlier
Many thought the UK economy was exceptional, but it has now converged – a timely reminder that, for investors, it pays to look under the bonnet.
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Financial Advice
UK companies are ‘eating themselves’
Share buybacks transfer wealth to patient shareholders.
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Financial Advice
What comes after peak interest rates?
Interest rates are expected to fall from their peak but remain elevated for some time.
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Investment Management
Time to say goodbye... to money market funds
Investors risk leaving money on the table.
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Is the 'unstoppable' green energy transition now financially viable?
New research into the supply side of the energy transition.
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Financial Advice
Four charts: the ‘golden buying opportunity’ in UK smaller companies
Valuations have yet to reflect improving perceptions.
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Can multi-employer CDC schemes be fair?
Multi-employer CDC scheme contributions could be converted into target pension amounts.
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Financial Advice
Government bond issuance boom to pressure yields higher
A flood of new global sovereign debt will affect market dynamics.
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Investment Management
A centralised investment proposition - flexible and future-proof
Why you need a CIP.
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Financial Advice
Are natural capital investments at risk of rising interest rates?
Natural capital has unique supply-demand dynamics and the response to rising rates may not be the same as for real estate.
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