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Financial Advice
What to consider when investing in bonds for income
After the significant rise in yields over the last couple of years, bonds are now offering more attractive yields.
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Financial Advice
Private equity slowdown continues but tide maybe turning
Fundraising has normalised and deal activity has held steady at 2019 levels. What's next for private equity?
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Investment Management
A closer look at Asia-Gulf investment flows amid rising tensions
What is the impact of the Middle East war and rising tensions between the US and China?
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Financial Advice
Five UK funds with market-beating returns
The UK stockmarket is currently rallying to record levels.
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Investment Management
How much should asset allocators invest in crypto?
Since the emergence of Bitcoin in 2009, there has been an explosion of crypto tokens launched.
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Investment Management
Is home bias history?
A lack of geographical diversification can leave returns on the table.
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Financial Advice
Navigating the AI arms race
The AI trend is certain, the next step is to look at the players to identify who will be the likely winners and losers.
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Financial Advice
Sustainable Equity Bucks the Trend
Despite negative flows for equities overall in Q1, sustainable equity funds were the most successful “green” asset class.
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Financial Advice
Searching for companies that go above and beyond
2024 appears to be an attractive year for thematic equities particularly when you look beyond the megacaps. Professional investors only.
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Investment Management
The net-zero transition is unstoppable
An investment strategy focused on decarbonisation can complement a core global equity allocation.
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Financial Advice
Digging Deeper – unearthing hidden opportunities
In the world of investing, high expectations can often lead to disappointment, as even the slightest deviation from those expectations can send shares tumbling.
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Financial Advice
Digging into the complexities of investing in commodities with a sustainable lens
Can a systematic approach to sustainable investing be adopted by commodity investors?
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