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Investment Management
Lib Dems pledge fair deal
The Liberal Democrats pledged to protect the independence of the Bank of England, keep inflation at 2% and introduce a national financial inclusion strategy.
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Investment Management
Green Party election manifesto
Green pledge to change the BOE's mandate to make the sustainability transition a central objective.
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Financial Advice
Everyone is talking about the ESG backlash
ESG has experienced turbulence on both sides of the Atlantic. Is the disenchantment temporary – or is it here to stay? Professional investors only.
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Investment Management
Small and mid-sized private equity offering more attractive opportunity set
Small and mid-sized private equity funds have outperformed large funds with greater resilience through economic cycles.
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Investment Management
Three reasons the bond comeback will continue throughout 2024
Increased optimism for fixed income investors. Professional investors only.
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Financial Advice
Is it time to step out of cash?
Fixed income is an attractive place to redeploy cash, particularly for investors seeking to lock in income as bond yields are near historic highs.
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Financial Advice
Key factors supporting the outlook for US growth
Over the medium term, US exceptionalism appears likely to persist.
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Investment Management
ESMA asks for input on assets eligible for UCITS
Investors are asked to provide feedback on the ESMA review of inclusion of certain financial instruments - such as AT1 bonds, crypto and commodities - in UCITS products.
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Financial Advice
The difference between multi-asset and mixed-asset funds
It could be argued multi-asset and mixed-asset funds seek the same objective - but there are significant differences for investors to be aware of.
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Financial Advice
Have banking stocks been flying under the radar?
Banks are good illustrations of how contrarian investing works in practice.
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Investment Management
Asset managers are reviewing their brokers
Finding liquidity is the asset manager’s most challenging obstacle, but they are also concerned about the SEC's regulatory agenda.
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Financial Advice
Economic conditions are back to normal speed
Investors are starting to see earnings holding up and slumps turning over alongside fundamental sources of demand. Professional investors only.
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