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Investment Management
AI disruptors and having the competitive advantage
Artificial intelligence start-ups have brought a lot of change to many sectors - but some companies are fighting back.
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Investment Management
Is transaction activity picking up in real estate?
Investment activity remained very subdued during 2023 with volumes in major markets around the level last seen during the global financial crisis.
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Investment Management
Diversification: The first line of defence?
Even broadly diversified portfolios cannot always protect investors against losses.
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Real asset investors see returns in sustainability
Real asset investors continue to favour environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, especially sustainability in real estate, according to Aviva Investors’ Real Assets Study 2024.
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Financial Advice
Alternative credit takes centre stage
Higher-for-longer interest rates is serving alternative credit investors well with larger proportion of asset returns being diverted to lenders.
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Financial Advice
From first date to forever client
Personalising the investor journey from a digital engagement perspective can attract new clients and forge lasting relationships.
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Financial Advice
Are retail investors right for ELTIF 2 funds?
The European fund industry is looking at how European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIF) fit in retail portfolios.
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Financial Advice
Semi-liquid funds open up energy transition assets
Semi-liquid funds have been created to make it easier for investors to access, allocate and manage illiquid assets exposures - such as those in the renewables space.
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Financial Advice
Seeing Further in Changing Times
An ever-changing investment landscape makes having a robust, forward-thinking philosophy even more essential.
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Financial Advice
Adding emerging market debt exposure? Look to local bonds.
From improved credit quality to deeper capital markets, as well as the surprisingly defensive characteristics, there is enough to make the case for a structural allocation to emerging market fixed income....
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Investment Management
What to know about dividends in 2024
Dividends continue to play an important role in equity portfolios with respect to income, enhancing total returns and style bias.
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Financial Advice
What does responsible investing 2.0 look like?
ESG themes continue to play a pivotal role in shaping portfolios.
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