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Financial Advice
Digging Deeper – unearthing hidden opportunities
In the world of investing, high expectations can often lead to disappointment, as even the slightest deviation from those expectations can send shares tumbling.
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Financial Advice
Digging into the complexities of investing in commodities with a sustainable lens
Can a systematic approach to sustainable investing be adopted by commodity investors?
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Investment Management
Innovation and opportunity in life sciences
Life sciences offer the “greatest opportunity” for new investments over the last couple of years.
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Financial Advice
Could ESG reporting rules spark an EU-US trade war?
The incoming sustainable disclosure requirements could prompt a troubling battle ground for both sides of the Atlantic.
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Financial Advice
Tech is back, but AI's reach extends far beyond the usual tech giants.
For investors looking for exposure to these multi-decade themes and technological innovations, the answer may lie beyond the tech sector. Professional investors only.
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Investment Management
AI is a long-term powerhouse for investors
Investors should embrace AI as a long-term investment theme.
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Financial Advice
Tech dividends: What's the catch?
An increasing number of tech mega stocks are paying out their first-ever dividend payouts, joining a growing number of smaller tech stocks that are now rewarding investors with payments.
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Financial Advice
EU regs to ensure sustainable funds are fit for purpose
Getting to grips with sustainability-related terms in fund names following ESMA update.
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Investment Management
All You Need to Know About Factor Investing ETFs in Europe
Factor ETFs offer potential for excess returns, but patience is key.
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Financial Advice
Are we set for weaker US returns this election year?
As the US elections ramp up, how do the timings of presidential cycles affect stock market returns?
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Financial Advice
What's the outlook for investors in decarbonisation?
Market sentiment has soured on environmental stocks and this is creating new opportunities to get exposure to parts of the economy expected to grow fast as the energy transition progresses.
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Financial Advice
The tech challenges facing investment managers
Whether it's increasing transparency around data and reporting or pressure to ensure processes are efficient, there are a number of technology challenges for buy-side firms to consider.
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