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Investment Management
US election: What’s next for healthcare?
Explore how the US election year could reshape the healthcare sector and impact investment strategies.
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Investment Management
How will the US election impact the financial sector?
The upcoming US election could significantly impact the financials sector, with potential regulatory changes having far reaching consequences.
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Investment Management
Could we see Wall Street leaders in the White House?
Many have discussed the idea of JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon running for US president.
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Investment Management
How prices have changed since Blair's landslide win
Though things may be more expensive today, the UK's economy is by no means growthier.
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Investment Management
Priorities for the new government
As markets come to terms with the new government, what is a key focus for investors?
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Investment Management
How will Labour government impact wallets and portfolios?
Keir Starmer has chosen his cabinet, held his first press conference, and had his first conference call with US president Joe Biden. What's next?
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Investment Management
Opportunities in UK post-election
As widely expected, the Labour party won a convincing majority on 4 July elections and its leader Sir Keir Starmer becomes prime minister. While stock markets might once have taken fright at a Labour government,...
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Investment Management
The sectors ripe for disruption under Labour government
The Labour Party’s UK election victory could trigger major change for some areas with its new industrial strategy, green prosperity plan and wider investment commitments.
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Investment Management
The policy and productivity conundrum for the new Labour government
The Labour Party’s election win means it can govern with considerable freedom and as the party's fiscal agenda is modest, with a focus on delivering economic stability, there should also be limited implications...
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Investment Management
The next US president's problems and priorities
Biden and Trump have each laid out how they would approach the fiscal cliff, but investors need to understand the range of potential outcomes, not to mention how messy the process could be.
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Investment Management
The Conservative Party Manifesto
Tories reject capital gains tax hike as British ISA proposals absent from manifesto.
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Investment Management
Lib Dems pledge fair deal
The Liberal Democrats pledged to protect the independence of the Bank of England, keep inflation at 2% and introduce a national financial inclusion strategy.
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