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Investment Management
Lib Dems pledge fair deal
The Liberal Democrats pledged to protect the independence of the Bank of England, keep inflation at 2% and introduce a national financial inclusion strategy.
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Investment Management
Green Party election manifesto
Green pledge to change the BOE's mandate to make the sustainability transition a central objective.
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Financial Advice
Could ESG reporting rules spark an EU-US trade war?
The incoming sustainable disclosure requirements could prompt a troubling battle ground for both sides of the Atlantic.
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Investment Management
Caution on India stocks in election year
As 900 million Indian citizens head to the polls, what should investors expect from the region's general election?
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Investment Management
Taking a hybrid approach to energy
What does rising energy security concerns mean for renewable and conventional energy?
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Investment Management
US economy continues to surprise on the upside
The US economy’s strength in recent months is broad-based, with strong growth in all subcategories of GDP. Will this continue?
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Investment Management
EU raises bar for using ESG-related terms in fund names
Large numbers of funds will be impacted by the new ESMA guidelines on ESG and sustainability-related terms in fund names.
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Investment Management
Hunt unveils tax cuts in pre-election Budget
‘Budget for Long Term Growth’ delivers lower taxes, better public services and more investment.
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Investment Management
Behind the Autumn Statement: six insights for wealth clients
From house prices to inheritance tax.
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Investment Management
Hunt declares UK economy is “back on track”
Hunt “will not take risks with inflation” and economic growth is set to gradually rise.
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Investment Management
Autumn Statement: Hunt promises to grow economy, but inflation to stick
Hunt pledges to help grow the British economy and boost business investment by £20bn a year.
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Investment Management
Never mind the naysayers, the dollar is untouchable
The greenback’s role as the world’s foremost reserve currency is unlikely to be undermined anytime soon, despite the gathering to develop a rival currency.
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