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Investment Management
Look to new economy real estate in 2023
As we start 2023, every asset class is experiencing its own version of adjustment. Part of that adjustment regards looking forward to a possible recession.
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Investment Management
The case for global impact credit has strengthened
Reflecting on a year of impact investing and what’s next.
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Pensions Radar
Travers Smith’s Pensions Radar is a quarterly listing of expected future changes in UK law affecting work-based pension schemes.
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Investment Management
The Worst Is Likely Behind for Emerging Markets
After withstanding a multitude of global challenges last year, emerging markets look poised for improvement as inflation recedes and the path of monetary policy comes into view.
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Financial Advice
Experience can help cut through today's complex markets
Cutting through today’s complex market environment requires special qualities, the most important of which is experience.
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Investment Management
Government of Germany Ageing
This report from Moody’s looks at how an ageing population is one of Germany’s greatest ESG-related credit risks.
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WTW pension scheme de-risking report 2023
WTW’s experts look at the current hot topics and key themes in the bulk annuity, longevity hedging and superfunds markets and predict what trends may emerge over the coming year.
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A deep dive into pass-through voting
Tumelo’s white paper provides an overview of pass-through voting, exploring its recent emergence and the potential impact it might have on the pensions industry as a whole.
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Financial Advice
The energy crisis is only just beginning
Next winter is where the real challenge lies.
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Investment Management
Uncommon Truths: Beware talk of soft landings
Paul Jackson speaks on why he believes that talks of soft landings are a temporary phase of market consolidation.
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LGPS National Knowledge Assessment
The latest LGPS NKA 2022 has shown high levels of engagement and good levels of knowledge among participating funds.
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DC trust: scheme return data 2021 to 2022
This article analyses the 12th edition of DC trust, providing a high-level snapshot of the current landscape of occupational DC trust-based pension provisions in the UK.
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