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Financial Advice
When private equity would be laughed out of the boardroom
Many large investors across the world have been re-allocating funds away from public markets, and into private assets – be those private equity or private credit vehicles.
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Financial Advice
UK inflation upswing sparks new rate cut questions
The recent uptick in UK inflation, influenced by energy prices, has added uncertainty to the timing of the Bank of England's next rate cut.
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Financial Advice
EU sets ambitious regulatory agenda for financial services
The EU's new financial services policy agenda for 2024-2029 aims to address key regulatory challenges and boost economic competitiveness.
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Financial Advice
Solutions over products - the ‘client first’ approach
With the industry evolving in the wake of Consumer Duty, Royal London’s Head of Investment Solutions, Ken Scott, explains the merits of flexible and client-centric offerings
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Financial Advice
The defining trends affecting portfolios
Eyes are on the second half of 2024, whether that's how rates affect the environment for the fixed income sector or where there's earnings growth in equity markets. Professional investors only.
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Financial Advice
Assessment of human rights risks can highlight other important business issues
It is important for investors to understand human rights risks in terms of human impacts and real financial materiality but it can also be an important canary in the coalmine for other business risks....
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Investment Management
Will the Fed cut in September?
Inflation is trending in the right direction, with core goods and supercore services deflating slightly month over month- but shelter remains sticky. What does this mean? Professional investors only.
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Financial Advice
Why investors can’t be passive with multi-asset
With time horizons used to influence day-to-day investment decisions, Royal London Asset Management's Head of Multi Asset Trevor Greetham explains how being active is the only approach
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Investment Management
The opportunities in the next generation of emerging markets
The manufacturing winners of the last 20 years such as China and Korea look set to be challenged by the next generation of emerging markets (NGEN).
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Financial Advice
What’s next for Eurozone banks?
Eurozone banks have experienced significant gains in recent months, but with Q3 approaching, the question remains whether they can sustain this momentum.
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Investment Management
The case for active investing in uncertain times
Economic uncertainty creates active investing opportunities – how asset managers can thrive in the new world of higher rates, greater dispersion and heightened volatility.
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Financial Advice
Can gold hold its value?
Explore how the enduring value of gold amid inflation and geopolitical instability presents significant investment opportunities in today's uncertain economic environment.
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