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Investment Management
The weight loss drug set to shape up the medtech world
What do do investors need to know about GLP-1s - the weight loss drug that looks set to disrupt the medtech sector?
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Financial Advice
The Fed’s dilemma: Inflation, interest rates, and market impact
Explore the Federal Reserve's decade-long struggle with inflation and interest rates, questioning whether the central bank will act too late in cutting rates.
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Financial Advice
Hidden potential in Japan's cash-rich firms
Japan’s corporate governance reforms have encouraged companies to increase their shareholders value by proactively tapping their excess cash and idle assets.
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Financial Advice
Separating fact from fiction in US private credit
The US private credit market is getting increased attention – not all of it favourable. Muzinich & Co. explains why understanding the nuances is essential for investors considering an allocation to the...
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Financial Advice
How will the US elections affect stock market performance?
Exploring the historical relationship between US presidential elections and the performance of the broader US equity market.
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Financial Advice
Turbulence in Japan equities
Unpacking the recent turbulence in the Japanese equities market – what were the driving factors behind the Nikkei’s deepest single-day slide on record
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Financial Advice
Why a more rigorous approach to asset allocation is now essential
In a post-great moderation world, a substantially more dynamic approach to asset allocation is paramount, according to Nathan Shetty, head of multi-asset at Nuveen.
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Financial Advice
Leveraging engagement to improve returns over time
Engaging with companies to address areas of concern is key to delivering alpha and reducing risk.
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Financial Advice
Are investors being paid to take risk within credit?
Are today's credit markets rewarding investors for the risks they take, or are they walking a fine line between opportunity and uncertainty?
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Investment Management
Not all private credit is created equal
Not all credit investments are the same; discover why distinguishing between different types of credit is crucial for effective portfolio management.
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Investment Management
Are bonds Losing their appeal after rate cuts?
With interest rates at historic lows, should bonds still play a role in an income-focused portfolio, or is it time to look elsewhere?
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Investment Management
Which banks managed to outperform during SVB crisis?
In a year that has seen a banking crisis on one side and a wave of artificial intelligence enthusiasm on the other, humble banks have managed to outperform
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