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Financial Advice
Four key retirement themes to consider
Active management, equity investment, the role of fixed income and income strategies are all retirement themes to consider.
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Financial Advice
Opportunity in US stocks and one area to avoid
New housing and AI offer compelling opportunities, while the financial sector is facing too much uncertainty to be attractive.
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Can ESG data give businesses an edge?
Companies should make the most out of their ESG data to gauge their progress and where they stand in relation to peers.
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Are pension master trusts the solution to achieving goals?
DB master trust are an optimal solution for many defined benefit pension to deliver on their promises.
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Financial Advice
Bond yields a boon for Asian income?
Higher bond yields and interest rates could make equity income an attractive prospect, especially in areas of Asia.
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Financial Advice
Inspiring financial empowerment
Financial inclusivity, diversity and resilience are all important for future generations.
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Investment Management
Small surprise, large market reaction
The Fed is likely to remain in a long pause.
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Financial Advice
Have we reached peak growth and peak inflation?
Resilience turns into weakness as growth slows later this year and into 2024.
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Investment Management
Moving to a new equilibrium path
Inflation is now creating inflation.
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Financial Advice
Beyond yield: Is a company’s dividend sustainable?
Whether income investors are analysing UK or global businesses, they should focus on a company’s cashflow rather than how much it is yielding.
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Financial Advice
Is China worth a second look?
The market is pricing in pessimism around China; yet when the mood is bleakest it can be the best time to find bargains.
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Strategies to improve retirement outcomes
Pooled employer plans and master trusts can improve retirement benefits for employees.
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