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Financial Advice
Modern Macro: A New Approach to an Old Strategy
Deep uncertainty and market volatility provide fertile ground for macro hedge funds that can monetize not just the trends, but the volatility around the trends.
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Financial Advice
Lack of Vision in Government's New Green Finance Strategy
Lewis Johnston from ShareAction comments on the publication of the Government's Green Investment Strategy.
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Financial Advice
European Outlook: Less downside now, but caution still warranted
Focusing on high quality and liquidity when taking risk in portfolios will be key in 2023, as pressure on monetary policy remains intense.
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Financial Advice
A recession may simply be delayed, not avoided
Good news in the short term may lead to a more hawkish Fed.
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Financial Advice
Seizing Opportunities in Global Bonds
In a challenging macro environment, a resilient allocation to core bonds appears compelling. Andrew Balls shares insights on the return potential for investors given yields are now very attractive.
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Financial Advice
Do bank failures mean the Fed's hiking cycle is over?
The failure of Silicon Valley Bank raises questions for Fed policy and economic growth.
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Financial Advice
ChatGPT and AI: An Advisor’s Guide
The following article is designed to help financial advisers, and their clients, understand what ChatGPT is and, more importantly, its potential implications for investors.
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Financial Advice
Asia market outlook: resilience amid strained global markets
As the COVID-19 recovery continues, we expect Asia’s growth-inflation dynamics to diverge from the rest of the world, led by China’s long-awaited economic reopening.
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Financial Advice
Unlocking Alternatives: Creating Opportunities with Flexible Capital
Within financing markets, there are few firms capable of providing bespoke, flexible capital to meet the needs of borrowers looking for structured solutions.
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Financial Advice
Investing in Opportunities in European High Yield Bonds
The PIMCO GIS European High Yield Bond Fund allows investors to potentially benefit from attractive yields and a robust set of opportunities in the European high yield bond market.
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Financial Advice
Markets Are Finally Listening to Fed's 'Ongoing Increases' Message
Bond markets are pricing in additional Federal Reserve interest rate hikes, acknowledging the central bank’s emphatic resolve to tame inflation despite the likely trade-offs.
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Financial Advice
Regional Bank Stress Puts Spotlight on Cash Management
Shocks to the U.S. banking system underscore how even cash holdings can involve risk and also suggest that the timeline for a recession may have drawn nearer.
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