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Financial Advice
Is the time ripe for fixed income?
Could fixed income be more attractive now than it’s been in decades?
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Financial Advice
Cash is back on the agenda
Against the current economic backdrop of high inflation and rising rates, has cash re-emerged as a strategic asset?
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Financial Advice
Quant investing: What are the new opportunities?
Quant investing is embracing new markets, what does it mean for investors?
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Financial Advice
How climate and biodiversity considerations are driving credit risk
Role for investment industry in creating innovative financing solutions.
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Financial Advice
Q&A: The evolution of impact investing
Our three impact portfolio managers to discuss the state of the sector.
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Financial Advice
The Bonds Not to IGnore
Despite IG's bonds resilient performance, investors should be wary of allocating indiscriminately to the asset class in current conditions.
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Financial Advice
Secrets to a financially healthy life
Are you listening to the news and wondering how to manage your finances with so much happening?
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Financial Advice
Why is discussing money a taboo?
Interested in why money is a subject that is often avoided in many households?
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Financial Advice
Is history repeating itself with a looming recession?
With a recession on the horizon in 2023, is history about to repeat itself and what can investors do to prepare?
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Financial Advice
Should you stay invested in cash?
Is there a balance to be struck between the benefits of cash and bonds in the current economic environment?
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Financial Advice
Maximising trend opportunities
Today’s busy advisers must navigate shifting demographics and industry change, at a time when their clients' top concerns include inflation and sustainability.
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Financial Advice
Does climate change pose risks to banking?
Financial regulators may be preoccupied with bank liquidity concerns right now, but they’ve also been allocating ever more resources to studying these climate issues.
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