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Investment Management
Bonds: The Comeback Kid of Investing
After years of underperformance relative to equities, have bonds now made a comeback?
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Investment Management
China's reopening: implications and impact
Brisk reopening brings quicker consumption response.
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Investment Management
Balancing growth and value in variable markets
Positioning across the style spectrum with a focus on individual stock picking.
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Investment Management
The bull and bear cases for 2023
From the global economy to stocks and bonds, investors consider the path forward for a market that’s looking much different this year than last.
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Investment Management
Are banks vulnerable to a crisis in commercial real estate?
Fears are rising about regional banks’ exposure to commercial real estate loans. How worried should you be?
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Investment Management
Weakening Credit and Tightening Lending Conditions Drive Compelling Value
Higher interest rates and tighter lending conditions are creating a very attractive environment for opportunistic credit managers with flexible capital to fill large liquidity gaps.
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Investment Management
The Investment Outlook Q2 2023
Financial conditions are likely to tighten further in the coming months. Here are 3 ways this may change asset selection.
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Investment Management
Global Economic Outlook Spring 2023: Everything everywhere all at once
Negative confidence effects from the near-death experience in the US banking sector and the unresolved energy situation in Europe will shape the rest of the year.
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Investment Management
Fractured Markets, Strong Bonds
For investors, times of uncertainty can underscore the importance of a cautious approach.
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Investment Management
The Fed may keep one foot on the brake and one on the gas
The Fed may not stop raising rates even as it provides liquidity to the banking system.
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Investment Management
The green industrial revolution
The industrial sector is responsible for roughly one quarter of global greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions. A mix of measures can reduce the sector’s carbon dioxide emissions to almost zero.
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Investment Management
An all-cap approach makes sense in today’s US equity market
In a tight risk/reward environment, stock selection will be the key driver of returns.
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