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Investment Management
Is the EU taxonomy worth it?
The EU taxonomy is one (and a half) steps forward, and one step back.
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Investment Management
Is there more to come in Asian EM equities?
Will the strong start in Asian EM equities continue?
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Investment Management
Impact investing - Which companies should you pick?
There are opportunities in the global transition to zero carbon and sustainable economies, but which companies should you pick?
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Investment Management
What is better, bilateral or collaborative engagement?
When does it make sense to collaborate with other investors versus doing so bilaterally?
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Investment Management
China’s reopening – What does it means for investors?
Which countries stand to benefit from China's post-pandemic economic reopening?
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Investment Management
Can Japanese value benefit from corporate governance?
Will value stocks benefit from a years-long effort to improve corporate governance in Japan?
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Investment Management
Why are heat pumps so exciting?
Heat pumps have been experiencing dramatic growth particularly in Europe, why?
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Investment Management
The good, the bad and the ugly in commercial real estate
Amid higher interest rates and debt costs, it's a new world for the global commercial real estate market.
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Investment Management
Deep dive into Sustainability and SDR
How are companies embedding their sustainability priorities? WHEB shares their approach.
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Investment Management
How do countries deal with death?
How are countries coping with the infrastructure challenges posed by death?
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Investment Management
Are we coming to the end of Fed rate hikes?
New data reaffirms that the US Federal reserve could be coming close to the end of its rate hiking cycle.
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Investment Management
LGIM’s engagement on ESG transparency: a closer look at Asia
Following the launch of a new engagement campaign on ESG transparency LGIM explores why it is important that they raise this topic directly with investee companies in Asia.
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