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Investment Management
Your top tax year end questions answered
Fiona Hanrahan answers your top tax year end questions.
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Investment Management
Index Funds Have Officially Won
The rise of indexing has done much to focus the minds of fund managers, advisers, and the end-client. AI is now doing exactly the same thing.
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Investment Management
Multi-asset investing poses unique challenges
From basic asset allocation strategies, market timing, diversification and more, we explore cross-Border EMEA allocation funds' performance.
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Investment Management
Opportunity in private credit: Is it worth the investment?
Investors continue to explore alternative credit as a way to potentially improve the risk/return profile of their portfolios.
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Investment Management
Hunt unveils tax cuts in pre-election Budget
‘Budget for Long Term Growth’ delivers lower taxes, better public services and more investment.
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Investment Management
European high yield is not for passive investing
Passive European high-yield strategies may not be as cheap as they appear, and may pose more risk than you think.
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Investment Management
UK Tech Giant Hiding in Plain Sight?
LSEG isn't immune from the various criticisms levelled at the UK's pedestrian markets. So why does its share price continue to creep upwards?
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Investment Management
Attractive yields but narrow spreads: what's the solution?
To overweight or underweight.
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Investment Management
Is private credit a multi-year opportunity?
The vintages over the next couple of years are going to be very, very attractive from a return perspective across the full range of opportunities.
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Investment Management
Navigating the rate descent
Be optimistic on alpha generating opportunities, but still with an up in quality bias and a global lens in terms of putting together the optimal portfolio.
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Investment Management
Research: small-mid private equity has outperformed
Outperformance and greater resilience than large funds.
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Investment Management
Unpicking opportunity in the right asset class
A shifting inflationary picture is influencing asset classes and portfolio management.
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