
Financial Advice
5 reasons for optimism about high-quality credit
Investment-grade corporate bonds still look attractive in the current market.
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Financial Advice
Strategic insights on active fixed income for Q3 2024
Discover the latest insights on active fixed income strategies and market outlooks for Q3 2024.
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Financial Advice
Distinguishing between skill and luck
It is important to 'pressure test' a fund manager’s individual skill set and the cohesion of the broader investment team to help improve the odds of success.
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Financial Advice
How equity and bond valuations have changed this year
Equity and bond valuations have shifted significantly in the first half of 2024, impacting investment strategies and market outlooks.
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Financial Advice
Leveraging engagement to improve returns over time
Engaging with companies to address areas of concern is key to delivering alpha and reducing risk.
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Financial Advice
Chopping and changing in mixed assets
While flexible fund managers can make significant changes in asset allocation, that doesn’t mean they have to in order to deliver long-term value.
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Financial Advice
Why consider active emerging market bond strategies?
Emerging market debt is well-positioned to outperform other areas of fixed income in the year ahead.
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Financial Advice
The top trends in client portfolios
Discover the common tilts and biases across client portfolios in a shifting market.
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Financial Advice
The power of low-cost index funds
Learn more about the underpinnings of index investing’s ascendancy and why it is expected to continue its success and popularity.
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Investment Management
What to know about dividends in 2024
Dividends continue to play an important role in equity portfolios with respect to income, enhancing total returns and style bias.
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