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Investment Management
What investors can learn from Alaskan crab fishermen
There is a dividing line between job risk and job pay – or, in the markets, company quality and company price.
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Investment Management
The return of the total return kings
There is hidden value in the UK’s seemingly neglected market.
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Investment Management
Think carefully about market expectations
The longer the wait, the better the outcome - or not.
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Investment Management
What is the most robust way to value companies?
While the price to earnings (P/E) ratio is a popular and commonly used metric in equity valuation, a healthy dose of caution is required.
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Investment Management
Impact investing - Which companies should you pick?
There are opportunities in the global transition to zero carbon and sustainable economies, but which companies should you pick?
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Investment Management
Can Japanese value benefit from corporate governance?
Will value stocks benefit from a years-long effort to improve corporate governance in Japan?
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Investment Management
How value investors can flex to shifting market dynamics
Agility could offer cyclical and defensive opportunities.
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Investment Management
How value can benefit from a new investment cycle
This white paper analyses the four factors believed to be set to drive a boom in capital expenditure.
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Investment Management
In volatile times, value’s defensive qualities can shine
With inflation likely to remain elevated, the backdrop for value has improved.
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Investment Management
Is it time to re-assess Latin America?
Latin America has been falling off the map in equity market terms over the past decade. This year’s standout performance highlights why there is good reason for investors to re-assess their long term allocations...
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