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Investment Management
Why the price being paid in bond markets following rate cuts is greater uncertainty
Nick Hayes, of AXA Investment Managers, on the lingering uncertainty in areas of the global fixed income market now the Bank of England has acted.
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Investment Management
Will the Fed cut in September?
Inflation is trending in the right direction, with core goods and supercore services deflating slightly month over month- but shelter remains sticky. What does this mean? Professional investors only.
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Investment Management
Three Fed scenarios, same result
Does it make sense to add duration to portfolios?
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Investment Management
What are the risks in dividend strategies?
Dividend yield can be one of the main reason's to include a stock in a portfolio.
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Investment Management
Bond fund managers are confident in European banking sector
After two major crises - the Global Financial Crisis in 2009 and the European Sovereign crisis in 2011 - European banks are making huge profits for the first time in decades.
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Investment Management
The graph that highlights the opportunity in high yield
How do you allocate within the market?
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Investment Management
Prices are now attractive for distressed debt investors
Higher default potential is acceptable given the return.
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Investment Management
High yield bonds appear well positioned for a recession
The sector is in better health than prior to previous slowdowns.
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Investment Management
Four themes shaping global high yield bonds
Opportunities to generate value amid volatility.
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Investment Management
The case for a strategic allocation to high yield bonds
Hybrid characteristics provide attractive risk/reward profile.
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Investment Management
The key to managing high yield in volatile markets
Fundamental research is imperative as macro headwinds rise.
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