We found 15 resources matching your search…

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Trustees need to reassess their long-term objectives
DB schemes have seen significant changes over the last couple of years and, for many, the improvement in funding levels has been a significant turning point.
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The shifting landscape of DB pension schemes
Given the importance of DB pensions to savers and to the UK economy, it is crucial to examine the challenges and opportunities they pose to scheme members, trustees, employers and The Pensions Regulator....
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TPR publishes general code of practice
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has published its long-awaited general code of practice.
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The Chancellor is faced with a difficult balancing act
Hunt must manage the desire to keep the rate of inflation under control coupled with calls for tax cuts.
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General Code – what to do while you wait
Scheme governance remains an important issue for trustees to consider.
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Fundamentally different perspectives? Funding Code and Mansion House reforms
Two proposed reforms are set to make radical changes.
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The gender gap in pension saving
The Institute for Fiscal Studies documents disparities in pension incomes and pension saving between men and women in the UK, and analyses the drivers behind these gaps.
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Beyond the Great Retirement
Understanding and tackling economic inactivity amongst the over 50s.
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Technical Report: Care Funding
The Pensions Policy Institute report looks at care costs those over the age of 65 would face and how they may meet these costs.
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Pensions Radar
Travers Smith’s Pensions Radar is a quarterly listing of expected future changes in UK law affecting work-based pension schemes.
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Prepare for Care
A report by the Association of British Insurers, based on research by the Pensions Policy Institute, looks at what the planned social care reform means for people funding their own care?
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The Pensions Compass - February 2023
Wedlake Bell looks at new requirements for DB schemes funding and investment strategies, TPR’s single code of practice and looks at the “Viavi” decision and the High Court’s help in correcting scheme rules....
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