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Investment Management
All You Need to Know About Factor Investing ETFs in Europe
Factor ETFs offer potential for excess returns, but patience is key.
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Investment Management
Fixed term bond trend: Investors need to be aware of big penalties
Fixed term bond funds saw €60bn in net inflows in 2023, when most other asset classes saw outflows. But what are the drawbacks to the structure of these bonds?
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Investment Management
Is it time to invest in gold stocks?
Investors are flowing out of precious metal ETCs at a time when the spot price of gold is trading in an historically high range.
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Investment Management
Is factor investing out of favour with European investors?
Factor investing ETFs saw an estimated net outflows of €200m over the course of 2023.
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Investment Management
Will active ETFs disrupt the multi-asset investing space?
Active ETFs have seen huge growth accumulating a whopping €33.8bn (£29nbn) in assets. What impact will this have on the European landscape?
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Investment Management
Just say no
Vanguard's decision not to offer Bitcoin spot ETFs may raise eyebrows, but sometimes it's best to just say no.
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Investment Management
Opportunity in climate change: Is it worth the investment?
The clean energy mega-trend is not going anywhere and this transformative sector offers investors the opportunity to capture real returns while tackling some of our most pressing climate goals.
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