With the growing burden of pension regulation and closure of defined benefit schemes, trustee boards are becoming increasingly professional and turning to commercial trustee firms for support.
DB schemes have seen significant changes over the last couple of years and, for many, the improvement in funding levels has been a significant turning point.
Understand the trends and drivers for future changes in mortality to make more informed judgments on the future of your defined benefit pension scheme.
The Pension Regulator's 2024 Annual Funding Statement shows most schemes have seen material improvements in funding levels and calls for trustees and employers to reassess their long-term objectives.
This paper from VLK aims to broaden the thinking around the pensions endgame, acknowledging that buyout is the Gold Standard, but simultaneously raising the question “is it the be-all and end-all?”
Given the importance of DB pensions to savers and to the UK economy, it is crucial to examine the challenges and opportunities they pose to scheme members, trustees, employers and The Pensions Regulator....