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Investment Management
Caution on India stocks in election year
As 900 million Indian citizens head to the polls, what should investors expect from the region's general election?
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Investment Management
Three standout themes this European earnings season
When valuations and expectations are sky high, any bad news can shake investors’ confidence.
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Investment Management
Taking a hybrid approach to energy
What does rising energy security concerns mean for renewable and conventional energy?
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Investment Management
Is factor investing out of favour with European investors?
Factor investing ETFs saw an estimated net outflows of €200m over the course of 2023.
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Investment Management
How to allocate to Chinese equities
The debate around how investors should allocate to China has grown in recent years.
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Investment Management
US economy continues to surprise on the upside
The US economy’s strength in recent months is broad-based, with strong growth in all subcategories of GDP. Will this continue?
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Investment Management
How has sustainable flows fared compared to conventional funds?
Appetite for sustainable funds has been dampened since the glory days of 2020 and 2021, but certain funds are still gaining traction.
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Investment Management
Will active ETFs disrupt the multi-asset investing space?
Active ETFs have seen huge growth accumulating a whopping €33.8bn (£29nbn) in assets. What impact will this have on the European landscape?
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Investment Management
Will investment-grade credit spreads in Europe continue to outperform the US?
Taking stock on whether the premiums are justified in Europe.
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Investment Management
Is it time to invest in gold stocks?
Over $15bn has flowed out of precious metals exchange-traded funds (ETCs) over the past year, but should investors be looking at gold again?
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Investment Management
How investment firms can share a sustainable future
Asset and wealth management firms can play a vital role in driving the UK’s green recovery and help address some of the biggest problems facing the world.
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Investment Management
ESG due diligence is gaining traction in M&A
A recent global survey of dealmakers reveals a striking consensus: conducting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) due diligence is now indispensable for M&A transactions.
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