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Financial Advice
A year of opportunity for fixed income
In this Spotlight guide, we hear from Mike Gitlin, Head of Fixed Income at Capital Group, on the prospects for this year and how fixed income investors might cautiously start to take on more risk.
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Investment Management
Apples and oranges: the problem with comparing market pricing and Fed projections
As investors seek to pinpoint market expectations for Federal Reserve policy, it’s critical to consider not just rate projections and derivatives pricing, but the degree of uncertainty and distribution...
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An overview of The Pensions Regulator’s new DB funding code
This briefing on the DB Funding Code looks at some of the detail, unpacks some of the key features of the new regime and look at the regulator’s expectations.
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The DC Future Book 2022
This report looks into the available data on the DC landscape alongside commentary, analysis and projections of future trends.
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The Pensions Compass - February 2023
Wedlake Bell looks at new requirements for DB schemes funding and investment strategies, TPR’s single code of practice and looks at the “Viavi” decision and the High Court’s help in correcting scheme rules....
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Investment Management
Deloitte Football Money League: Get up, Stand Up
Welcome to the 26th edition of the Deloitte Football Money League, an annual profile of the highest revenue generating clubs in world football.
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FTSE 350 pensions: preparing for a risk transfer transaction
This report gives an overview of the changes experienced by the FTSE 350 defined benefit (DB) pension schemes in the last year, and how that has altered their buyout feasibility.
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Investment Management
Automation is powering tomorrow’s supply chains
This Schroders video looks at the value of humans in the modern world amid the looming threat of automation and artificial intelligence.
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Member options: What do members want?
In a four-part research series on defined benefit (DB) member options, Barnett Waddingham looks at options and choice, support at retirement, member engagement and communication and terms.
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Investment Management
Why equities prove that China is more than just big tech 
Portfolio Specialist, Robert Secker, explores China’s economy, and explains why there is more to the country than just big tech.
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Investment Management
What will drive long-term stock prices?
T. Rowe Price explains how experience will help navigate through current stock market volatility and discusses what will drive long-term stock prices.
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A blueprint for a better tax treatment of pensions
This Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) report looks at how should pensions be taxed and proposes income tax and National Insurance reforms that would more evenly support pension saving.
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