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Investment Management
Five important insights from 2022
The Fed is determined to fight inflation and yield is back, but socially oriented goals could impact economic policies in China.
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Investment Management
The strong case for active management in high yield bonds
An active approach allows for security selection and nimble positioning.
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Financial Advice
Reducing the risk of greenwashing
T. Rowe Price explains why it was necessary for the firm to build a proprietary framework that addresses an ESG bond’s credentials.
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Financial Advice
Discover the key takeaways from COP15
The biggest biodiversity summit in history has delivered a new deal for nature. A number of Schroders experts were in Montreal for the event.
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Investment Management
The case for a strategic allocation to high yield bonds
Hybrid characteristics provide attractive risk/reward profile.
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Financial Advice
From inertia to excellence – could your clients’ cash be working harder?
Flagstone looks at the inertia surrounding cash and why you may be missing a golden opportunity to boost your clients’ interest income.
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Investment Management
Numbers help figure it out
Barbara Davidson explains why full disclosure of climate-related risks in company financial statements can be important in reducing global emissions.
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Investment Management
Inflationary forces set to overpower disinflationary trends
The post-GFC environment of low rates appears to be over.
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Investment Management
In volatile times, value’s defensive qualities can shine
With inflation likely to remain elevated, the backdrop for value has improved.
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Investment Management
How value can benefit from a new investment cycle
This white paper analyses the four factors believed to be set to drive a boom in capital expenditure.
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Investment Management
How fixed income may help navigate evolving markets
This white paper looks at five flexible bond opportunities to help lead clients through new market realities.
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