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Financial Advice
Powerfully boost people’s saving
Saving money for an emergency is important, yet, more than 1 in 5 people in the UK hold less than £100 in savings.
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Investment Management
Three active portfolio responses to a new fixed income regime
What to expect as monetary policy tightening moves closer to ending.
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The additional benefits to renewable energy investments
DC pensions know that renewable energy investments will help the planet, but are there other benefits too?
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Investment Management
Is China's decline India's rise in EM portfolios?
China has lost weight in the portfolios of emerging market equity funds, while India has benefitted the most from the giant's steep decline in recent years.
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Investment Management
How strong is the outlook for electric vehicles?
Investors can expect strong growth through the second half of the decade and plenty of opportunity through the supply chain.
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Financial Advice
What does Consumer Duty mean for your firm?
What does Consumer Duty mean for your firm and what are the necessary steps to meet its requirements?
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Financial Advice
Volatility unearths new opportunity in bonds
Recent positive volatility could continue to generate significant opportunity and active fixed income investors should be building on this momentum in the months ahead.
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Financial Advice
Did the Fed pull it off?
With the latest economic data, it looks like the Fed might getting inflation down to acceptable levels whilst keeping economic growth robust.
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The UK's deepening mortgage crunch
The recent surge in mortgage rates should dampen housing activity and impact the large stock of mortgages due to refinance in the coming months.
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Investment Management
Financial inclusion is a win-win
Financial inclusion is not only the right thing to do, it also drives investment opportunities.
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Investment Management
Prices are now attractive for distressed debt investors
Higher default potential is acceptable given the return.
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How fiduciary management and OCIO helped schemes in 2022
Find out which pension scheme investment governance models handled the 2022 liquidity crisis the best?
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