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Investment Management
What are the risks in dividend strategies?
Dividend yield can be one of the main reason's to include a stock in a portfolio.
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Investment Management
The next US president's problems and priorities
Biden and Trump have each laid out how they would approach the fiscal cliff, but investors need to understand the range of potential outcomes, not to mention how messy the process could be.
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Investment Management
How important are income strategies for European investors?
Investors are looking for ways to diversify their income streams but are they opting for income funds?
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Investment Management
US asset managers concentrate more flows with the largest brokers
inding liquidity is the asset manager’s most challenging obstacle.
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Investment Management
How will a Bank of England rate cut impact markets?
Financial markets widely expect an interest rate hold by the Bank of England on June 20, but what if they’re wrong? A surprise cut is likely to have ripple effects across the stock, bond and currency...
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Investment Management
The generational opportunity in value equities
There is a big disconnect between global growth and global value, creating a fertile hunting ground for active managers. Professional investors only.
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Investment Management
Why regulation could be the silver lining for CP and money market products
Regulators have been increasing their scrutiny of the markets since the March 2020 Covid-related liquidity crisis.
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Investment Management
Tides are finally turning for UK assets
The UK has been treated as a pariah by investors as stock markets underperformed.
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Investment Management
Tide turns for sustainable fund flows at start of 2024
Europe-domiciled sustainable funds saw net inflows in the first four months of 2024, after struggling in 2023.
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Investment Management
Inflation concerns are resurfacing
Recession fears are fading, but inflation concerns have resurfaced as consumer price index expectations have steadily risen since the beginning of the year.
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Investment Management
Will inflation hit the 2% target in the UK?
UK inflation figures are being more closely watched, and is expected to have hit the official 2% target last month, from 2.3% in April.
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Investment Management
AI disruptors and having the competitive advantage
Artificial intelligence start-ups have brought a lot of change to many sectors - but some companies are fighting back.
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