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Financial Advice
Will SDR usher in a new era of sustainable investing?
After years of guidance and extensive consultations, the long-awaited UK Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (UK SDR) – has partially come into force.
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Financial Advice
Should investors dive into the blue economy?
A significant share of the global economy depends on ocean and clean water resources; yet, sustainability issues present a challenge for development.
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Financial Advice
Tackling biodiversity challenges with nature-positive solutions
A deep dive into nature positive outcomes across farmland, forestry and ecological restoration.
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Investment Management
Tide turns for sustainable fund flows at start of 2024
Europe-domiciled sustainable funds saw net inflows in the first four months of 2024, after struggling in 2023.
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Financial Advice
Semi-liquid funds open up energy transition assets
Semi-liquid funds have been created to make it easier for investors to access, allocate and manage illiquid assets exposures - such as those in the renewables space.
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Financial Advice
What does responsible investing 2.0 look like?
ESG themes continue to play a pivotal role in shaping portfolios.
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Investment Management
Green Party election manifesto
Green pledge to change the BOE's mandate to make the sustainability transition a central objective.
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Financial Advice
Everyone is talking about the ESG backlash
ESG has experienced turbulence on both sides of the Atlantic. Is the disenchantment temporary – or is it here to stay? Professional investors only.
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Investment Management
Three reasons the bond comeback will continue throughout 2024
Increased optimism for fixed income investors. Professional investors only.
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Financial Advice
Sustainable Equity Bucks the Trend
Despite negative flows for equities overall in Q1, sustainable equity funds were the most successful “green” asset class.
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Investment Management
The net-zero transition is unstoppable
An investment strategy focused on decarbonisation can complement a core global equity allocation.
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Financial Advice
Digging into the complexities of investing in commodities with a sustainable lens
Can a systematic approach to sustainable investing be adopted by commodity investors?
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