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Investment Management
How much should asset allocators invest in crypto?
Since the emergence of Bitcoin in 2009, there has been an explosion of crypto tokens launched.
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Investment Management
Innovation and opportunity in life sciences
Life sciences offer the “greatest opportunity” for new investments over the last couple of years.
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Investment Management
AI is a long-term powerhouse for investors
Investors should embrace AI as a long-term investment theme.
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Investment Management
All You Need to Know About Factor Investing ETFs in Europe
Factor ETFs offer potential for excess returns, but patience is key.
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Investment Management
How AI is turbocharging manufacturers' productivity
The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in industrial software is a trend that investors cannot afford to ignore.
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Investment Management
Cash conundrums in uncertain times
Against a backdrop of rising inflation and periodic bouts of market volatility, conventional attitudes towards investing have been challenged.
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Investment Management
Is it time to invest in gold stocks?
Investors are flowing out of precious metal ETCs at a time when the spot price of gold is trading in an historically high range.
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Investment Management
'Bumpy' is the new 'transitory'
Markets are unusual right now and investors need to be better prepared particularly in private debt markets.
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Investment Management
Three standout themes this European earnings season
When valuations and expectations are sky high, any bad news can shake investors’ confidence.
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Investment Management
Taking a hybrid approach to energy
What does rising energy security concerns mean for renewable and conventional energy?
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Investment Management
US economy continues to surprise on the upside
The US economy’s strength in recent months is broad-based, with strong growth in all subcategories of GDP. Will this continue?
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Investment Management
Is it time to invest in gold stocks?
Over $15bn has flowed out of precious metals exchange-traded funds (ETCs) over the past year, but should investors be looking at gold again?
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