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Financial Advice
Seeing Further in Changing Times
An ever-changing investment landscape makes having a robust, forward-thinking philosophy even more essential.
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Financial Advice
Adding emerging market debt exposure? Look to local bonds.
From improved credit quality to deeper capital markets, as well as the surprisingly defensive characteristics, there is enough to make the case for a structural allocation to emerging market fixed income....
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Investment Management
What to know about dividends in 2024
Dividends continue to play an important role in equity portfolios with respect to income, enhancing total returns and style bias.
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Financial Advice
What does responsible investing 2.0 look like?
ESG themes continue to play a pivotal role in shaping portfolios.
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Investment Management
The Conservative Party Manifesto
Tories reject capital gains tax hike as British ISA proposals absent from manifesto.
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Investment Management
Labour's manifesto pledges change
Labour pledges to stop the chaos, turn the page, and start to rebuild.
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Investment Management
Lib Dems pledge fair deal
The Liberal Democrats pledged to protect the independence of the Bank of England, keep inflation at 2% and introduce a national financial inclusion strategy.
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Investment Management
Green Party election manifesto
Green pledge to change the BOE's mandate to make the sustainability transition a central objective.
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Financial Advice
Everyone is talking about the ESG backlash
ESG has experienced turbulence on both sides of the Atlantic. Is the disenchantment temporary – or is it here to stay? Professional investors only.
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Investment Management
Small and mid-sized private equity offering more attractive opportunity set
Small and mid-sized private equity funds have outperformed large funds with greater resilience through economic cycles.
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Investment Management
Three reasons the bond comeback will continue throughout 2024
Increased optimism for fixed income investors. Professional investors only.
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Financial Advice
Is it time to step out of cash?
Fixed income is an attractive place to redeploy cash, particularly for investors seeking to lock in income as bond yields are near historic highs.
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