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Investment Management
European banks: steadying the ship?
A week on from the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in the US, all eyes are on Europe with the merger of UBS following its takeover of Swiss rival Credit Suisse.
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Investment Management
Quarterly Investment Letter
Following a turbulent week in the markets, Graham Wainer (CEO Investment Management, Stonehage Fleming) reflects on financial sector stresses and implications for the investment outlook.
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Investment Management
How value investors can flex to shifting market dynamics
Agility could offer cyclical and defensive opportunities.
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Investment Management
A new tool to analyse a portfolio's ESG credentials
T. Rowe Price has developed an intuitive framework to help investors evolve their portfolio construction.
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Investment Management
Bank Failures and the Fed
The failure of Silicon Valley Bank raises questions for Fed policy and economic growth.
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Investment Management
When markets twist and turn, flex your fixed income
Five bond strategies to help investors navigate evolving markets.
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Investment Management
Spring Budget 2023: All the key information in one place
Key documents including the full Budget document and factsheets.
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Investment Management
2023 – a year of transition for emerging markets
Growth is set to slow but EMs may still outperform developed markets.
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Investment Management
Data Alters Market's Expectations for Peak Policy Rate But Not Outlook for Fed Cuts
Strength in employment and inflation has caused markets to raise the implied terminal rate while still expecting the Fed to normalize policy – which is different from easing – in 2024.
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Investment Management
Semiconductor subsidies signal shift in US industrial policy
T. Rowe Price looks at why they believe these interventions will have potential implications for the economy and the industry.
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Investment Management
Growing Demand, Tight Supply Support Commodities in 2023
Despite macroeconomic headwinds, commodities markets may offer attractive return potential this year in light of ongoing supply constraints and China’s reopening.
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Investment Management
CAMRADATA explores why Systematic Strategies have declined in popularity and asks will this change as investors seek diversification?
This whitepaper looks at several different areas including systematic managers and consultants, asset owners and advances in technology.
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