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Investment Management
What is market efficiency and how does it impact investors?
Are markets efficient all the time? Read on to find out more.
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Investment Management
Opportunities in UK post-election
As widely expected, the Labour party won a convincing majority on 4 July elections and its leader Sir Keir Starmer becomes prime minister. While stock markets might once have taken fright at a Labour government,...
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Investment Management
The sectors ripe for disruption under Labour government
The Labour Party’s UK election victory could trigger major change for some areas with its new industrial strategy, green prosperity plan and wider investment commitments.
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Investment Management
What is the most robust way to value companies?
While the price to earnings (P/E) ratio is a popular and commonly used metric in equity valuation, a healthy dose of caution is required.
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Investment Management
How important are income strategies for European investors?
Investors are looking for ways to diversify their income streams but are they opting for income funds?
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Investment Management
How will a Bank of England rate cut impact markets?
Financial markets widely expect an interest rate hold by the Bank of England on June 20, but what if they’re wrong? A surprise cut is likely to have ripple effects across the stock, bond and currency...
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Investment Management
Tide turns for sustainable fund flows at start of 2024
Europe-domiciled sustainable funds saw net inflows in the first four months of 2024, after struggling in 2023.
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Investment Management
What to know about dividends in 2024
Dividends continue to play an important role in equity portfolios with respect to income, enhancing total returns and style bias.
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Investment Management
A closer look at Asia-Gulf investment flows amid rising tensions
What is the impact of the Middle East war and rising tensions between the US and China?
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Investment Management
The net-zero transition is unstoppable
An investment strategy focused on decarbonisation can complement a core global equity allocation.
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Investment Management
Innovation and opportunity in life sciences
Life sciences offer the “greatest opportunity” for new investments over the last couple of years.
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Investment Management
All You Need to Know About Factor Investing ETFs in Europe
Factor ETFs offer potential for excess returns, but patience is key.
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