We found 32 resources matching your search…

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A new opportunity for DC investors
Following regulatory changes and adoption of LTAFs, are private assets now a natural fit for DC investors?
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Are your pensions doing enough to tackle the climate crisis?
Employees are concerned about their carbon footprint, but many don’t realise that managing their pension sustainably is one of the most significant contributions they can make.
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Cost of living crisis depletes NHS pension scheme
50,000 opt out of NHS pension scheme due to cost pressure.
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2023 Risk Transfer Report
This report focuses on recent activity in the bulk annuity and wider risk transfer market, looking at the outlook for DB pension schemes approaching potential transactions and shares its insights.
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How to talk to members about a bulk annuity purchase
A buy-in or buy-out is usually good news for a scheme. So why does it feel like a difficult thing to tell members about? Quietroom has a ready-to-go toolkit and some top tips to follow.
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The gender gap in pension saving
The Institute for Fiscal Studies documents disparities in pension incomes and pension saving between men and women in the UK, and analyses the drivers behind these gaps.
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Beyond the Great Retirement
Understanding and tackling economic inactivity amongst the over 50s.
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Creating an 'ownership mindset' in pensions
SEI and Ignition House look at how to help foster better member engagement when so few people pay attention to their pension.
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Technical Report: Care Funding
The Pensions Policy Institute report looks at care costs those over the age of 65 would face and how they may meet these costs.
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SPP ESG Guide 2023
This guide aims to give an overview of ESG with possible approaches for different investment structures, details of underlying legal obligations and how to engage with investment managers and advisers....
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What role could alternative assets play in DC investment strategies in the future?
This report explores the topic of DC scheme investment in alternative assets, particularly in light of new opportunities and the potential benefits that they could provide.
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Pensions Radar
Travers Smith’s Pensions Radar is a quarterly listing of expected future changes in UK law affecting work-based pension schemes.
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