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Financial Advice
Leveraging engagement to improve returns over time
Engaging with companies to address areas of concern is key to delivering alpha and reducing risk.
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Financial Advice
Are investors being paid to take risk within credit?
Are today's credit markets rewarding investors for the risks they take, or are they walking a fine line between opportunity and uncertainty?
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Investment Management
Are bonds Losing their appeal after rate cuts?
With interest rates at historic lows, should bonds still play a role in an income-focused portfolio, or is it time to look elsewhere?
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Investment Management
Which banks managed to outperform during SVB crisis?
In a year that has seen a banking crisis on one side and a wave of artificial intelligence enthusiasm on the other, humble banks have managed to outperform
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Financial Advice
Keeping investment simple
With advice firms firmly focused on delivering and evidencing good client outcomes, staying ahead of regulatory developments and evaluating the variety of AI technology promising to revolutionise how they...
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Financial Advice
Five questions on Asian credit
Muzinich & Co. examine how interest rates, emerging technologies and a supply deficit are impacting Asian credit markets.
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Financial Advice
Fallen angels and rising stars
How can skilful investors use ratings to take advantage of market swings?
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Financial Advice
Navigating shifting markets with tactical asset allocation
Discover the advantages of tactical asset allocation, a strategy that involves adapting investments to short- and medium-term market changes for optimised returns and risk management.
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Financial Advice
When private equity would be laughed out of the boardroom
Many large investors across the world have been re-allocating funds away from public markets, and into private assets – be those private equity or private credit vehicles.
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Financial Advice
UK inflation upswing sparks new rate cut questions
The recent uptick in UK inflation, influenced by energy prices, has added uncertainty to the timing of the Bank of England's next rate cut.
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Financial Advice
EU sets ambitious regulatory agenda for financial services
The EU's new financial services policy agenda for 2024-2029 aims to address key regulatory challenges and boost economic competitiveness.
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Financial Advice
Solutions over products - the ‘client first’ approach
With the industry evolving in the wake of Consumer Duty, Royal London’s Head of Investment Solutions, Ken Scott, explains the merits of flexible and client-centric offerings
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