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Financial Advice
Why is consumer confidence stagnating?
Economically, things look to be picking up for consumers - they have more disposable income but there is a hesitancy around spending.
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Investment Management
Bond fund managers are confident in European banking sector
After two major crises - the Global Financial Crisis in 2009 and the European Sovereign crisis in 2011 - European banks are making huge profits for the first time in decades.
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Investment Management
The indexes to watch in 2024
There are exciting and emerging trends to look out for in stock markets in 2024.
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Financial Advice
Ramping up technical firepower
Many firms are reliant on legacy technology or rigid data models that lack flexibility - but there are systems available that manage multiple asset classes in one place.
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Trustees need to reassess their long-term objectives
DB schemes have seen significant changes over the last couple of years and, for many, the improvement in funding levels has been a significant turning point.
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Financial Advice
How to streamline your digital client engagement
Learn strategies to elevate you client interaction and add gravitas to your digital brand experience.
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Investment Management
Concerns over market bubble may be overblown
Investors may be questioning whether now is the right time to buy with markets reaching new highs.
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Consequences of a new mortality trend
Understand the trends and drivers for future changes in mortality to make more informed judgments on the future of your defined benefit pension scheme.
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Financial Advice
Lagging effect of tightening monetary policy will weigh on credit
The overwhelming demand for credit has provided a strong tailwind but caution is warranted. Professional investors only.
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Financial Advice
Forging initiatives to create a more dynamic and engaging digital presence
How firms are collaborating to create a unique and interactive digital environment tailored to its clients and prospects.
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Investment Management
Spotlight on enzymes and microbes in decarbonisation
'Enzymes are critical for converting grains like corn into fuel-ethanol for biodiesels.'
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Financial Advice
Sustainable investing: Considering credits
As sustainable themes have become integrated into portfolios, investors have begun to extend their sights to the commodity markets.
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