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Investment Management
The state of the mortgage market
What is the state of the mortgage market and why are agency mortgages attractive?
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Investment Management
Summer’s not cancelled - consumers will be spending
Consumer discretionary stocks such as airlines look attractive.
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Investment Management
Fixed Income Strategy Update
PIMCO share an update to their approach to investing in fixed income assets and where they see the opportunities in the market.
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Investment Management
Want outperformance? Southern European markets are hot
Southern Europe is having its best start to the year in a long time, but drilling down to the underlying drivers shows that this rally may still have legs.
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Investment Management
Healthcare companies - liberated from Covid pressures?
Credit quality should improve as volatility subsides.
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Investment Management
How to deliver on Consumer Duty
A key pillar of Consumer Duty is demonstrating and delivering value for clients, but to do so requires setting targets and adopting a specific approach.
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Investment Management
Where now for global equity markets?
Five forces defining the equity cycle.
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Investment Management
The $1.5 trillion opportunity
With the largest downturn in commercial real estate since the global financial crisis on the horizon - what does this mean for investors?
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Investment Management
The state of credit markets
Investment grate, high-yield, or both? What instruments are most attractive in credit markets at the moment?
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Investment Management
Are SFDR Article 9 fund downgrades likely over?
The landscape of Article 8 and Article 9 funds has evolved amid persistent greenwashing concerns and regulatory uncertainty.
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Investment Management
The number of funds is too damn high
Investors are wading through the alphabet soup to find the right fund.
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Investment Management
What would Warren do? The stocks that Buffett is backing
From utilities to railroads, there are infrastructure opportunities for long-term investors.
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