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Investment Management
Three reasons why emerging markets may rebound
The valuation story is compelling.
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Investment Management
Do good looking managers achieve poorer performance?
Research suggests facial attractiveness brings inflows but weaker results.
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Investment Management
Do Passive Funds Work for Emerging Markets?
Only about 20% of active managers in the global emerging markets both survive and outperform their passive peers.
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Investment Management
Macro outlook from abrdn – China to avoid 'Japanification'?
Chinese policy is supportive and should bring benefits.
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Investment Management
Russian LNG undermines the EU's energy security
There is opportunity for U.S. LNG to fill the gap.
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Investment Management
Asset-based lending is offering equity-like return potential
Learn about one of PIMCO’s favourite investment sectors.
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Investment Management
Is your emerging markets exposure diversified?
Uncorrelated and domestically focused, Emerging EMEA markets offer effective diversification.
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Investment Management
How investors can capitalise on an overlooked market?
Often unnoticed emerging EMEA offers attractive opportunities that tap into demographic, social and technological trends.
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Investment Management
Why have bond yields continued to rise?
Four reasons why yields have defied falling inflation.
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Investment Management
Two essential parts of the Consumer Duty
Evidencing good customer outcomes and client vulnerability
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Investment Management
Q&A: key predictions for the next five years
Interest rates, Taiwan, artificial intelligence and more.
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Investment Management
Aligning with nature-related financial disclosures
Our society, economies and financial systems are embedded in nature, not external to it.
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