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Investment Management
Webinar: Capturing returns from consumer brands
Swetha Ramachandran on Artemis' new fund.
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Investment Management
Top three emerging market themes
Carry, duration and spreads are all key emerging market themes.
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Investment Management
Fixed income that's competitive with equities?
With the quality of the market at an all time high, high yield provides attractive income opportunities.
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Investment Management
Hunt declares UK economy is “back on track”
Hunt “will not take risks with inflation” and economic growth is set to gradually rise.
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Investment Management
Autumn Statement: Hunt promises to grow economy, but inflation to stick
Hunt pledges to help grow the British economy and boost business investment by £20bn a year.
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Investment Management
Can high quality bonds offer equity-like returns?
It's an attractive time to be adding to high quality fixed income for equity-like returns with lower volatility.
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Investment Management
Which Japanese stocks are undervalued?
Some companies have lagged the wider market rally, and they could catch up next year.
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Investment Management
Looking further afield for impact: three case studies
Deep, fundamental analysis can really pay off.
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Investment Management
Is now an attractive entry point for Chinese assets?
The answer depends on your time horizon.
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Investment Management
US to outpace peers again as global economy set to outperform
Economists predict strong income growth amid cooling inflation and a robust job market.
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Investment Management
What could an escalation in the Middle East mean for central banks?
Any escalation in the Middle East could push oil prices higher, drag on global growth and resist central bank attempts to control inflation.
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Investment Management
Are bond investors in the optimistic zone?
Hard landing, soft landing - or even no landing. What do these possible economic scenarios mean for bond investors?
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